WKWK’s new solution ‘OCR’

WKWK has introduced a new business solution with OCR. Let us share a story about our client who requested our service with OCR technologies as an example to help you understand what our new solution can do for you.
Client’s situation:
The client was seeking a way to improve their profit structure by minimizing the nonperforming loan and reducing bad debt. They have shared the past transaction data to WKWK so that a customized credit risk prediction model could be developed. A part of data was available as paper-based only and not saved in their loan management software. However, their underwriting process were made based on comprehensive analysis which included this paper-based information. Therefore, it was essential to include this paper-based information to make an accurate underwriting decision.

WKWK Solution:
WKWK explained to the client that this paper-based information would be converted to structured data for model development. it was necessary to convert an enormous amount of transaction data in PDF format into data accurately and swiftly. WKWK proposed a seamless solution that would digitize the information to structured data with OCR technologies. The client adopted our service through demonstration which proved it as a high technology.
As described, WKWK promote clients to convert information to data and structure data using OCR technologies. Furthermore, WKWK will provide solutions for each client to improve their business by developing credit models with a high accuracy.
If you are considering implementing even more accurate underwriting based on machine learning, having troubles with bad debt, or attempting to improve the underwriting process to be more efficient, contact us! Our experts in lending business are committed to provide services that will improve your lending business.
WKWK aim to contribute to realize a healthy lending business with our concept of ‘transform lending with the power of machine learning’.

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