HK Score debut!

“HK Score”, the Hong Kong first AI credit scoring service, has debut. HK Score which utilizes WKWK original machine learning technologies will be provided as a subscription service for those in lending business in Hong Kong.
WKWK aims to contribute to a healthy growth in Hong Kong lending business through HK Score. Based on the AI credit score provided by HK Score, the visualization of risk prediction and quantitative analysis become possible. This will lead to minimization of bad loan and maximization of portfolio return. In addition, as the credit decisions will be made based on the machine learning technologies, unnecessary biases will be excluded from its decisions, which will result in increase in customer acquisitions rates, and an appropriate loan product offer to the potential borrowers based on risk predictions. If you are seeking for a sustainable lending business, please consider our HK Score!
HK Score currently offers two model options with four plans. The first model called “Pre-set model” is a WKWK original development model for personal loans and it does not require any data to be provided by the lenders. It will be available immediate after the contract being signed. There will be also a free basic plan available soon, which is suitable for those in personal loan business.
The second model called “Customized model” is a model to be developed from scratch based on the lenders’ needs. Though it will require existing transaction data to be provided in order to build the model and more time than the Pre-set model, there are many benefits in return such as implementation of high-performing risk prediction model, real-time response with API connection, monitoring functions, and so on. This is a service suitable for various types of lending business including mortgage, auto finance, business loan and etc., thus it is recommended for people looking for a more precise portfolio management through underwriting and credit scoring based on machine learning.
For further details, please click on the URL below. If you are interested in HK Score or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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