Website just updated!

Website has been updated in conjunction with the launch of our new service “HK Score”. A new page for HK Score has been added together with the language in traditional Chinese as well. HK Score is the Hong Kong first AI credit scoring service developed for lending business in Hong Kong. With WKWK original machine learning technologies, risk prediction model is even more simple, the underwriting and credit decisions becomes more precise and speedy. We can transform lending with the power of machine learning.
In order for us to contribute to a healthy growth of lending business in Hong Kong, the plans and the price setting have been reviewed so that HK Score will be utilized by as many as lenders possible and lead to even better results in their business. Furthermore, for those in personal loan business, WKWK original model of a free plan will be ready soon. This will be a simple and convenient service that becomes available for use once the contract is being signed. This will be a great opportunity for the lenders to tryout AI credit scoring.
If you are seeking for a sustainable lending business, interested in implementing more precise underwriting, having problems with bad loans, or would like to promote efficiency by reviewing the credit decision process, please feel free to contact us. Our lending business experts who are committed to bring on results in lending business improvement will assist you.
For further info about HK Score, please click on the URL below:

In traditional Chinese:
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