Launching a blog!
WKWK blog is coming! Our CTO and the machine learning engineering team will be sharing information such as basic knowledge in terms of machine learning to you. In the series one, the basic knowledge that is required in order to understand PoC (Proof of Concept) will be mainly introduced. There will be special terminologies often used in the contents of PoC when we create a risk prediction model and provide PoC to you. In order to utilize the machine learning model, it is essential to understand the contents of PoC, thus we would like you to acquire those necessary languages. We aim to share information that will be valuable for […]
HK FinTech Week
WKWK management members visited HK FinTech Week at AsiaWorld-Expo in the week of November 4th. Many speakers from the regulators such as HKMA were participating in the event this year. It was a good opportunity to see how each country was eager to actively impellent Fintech in their environment. We as WKWK were able to meet some technology companies doing AI, machine learning, and lending business. It was a great chance to exchange opinions and do brainstorming on potential partnerships that could be beneficial on both sides by being mutually complementary on functions and resources.WKWK provides an AI credit scoring service which specializes on lending business growth. We found that […]
Money lending needs a single regulator
It is true that a lot of Hong Kong lenders are aggressive in their sales activities and seem to enjoy a high interest rate margin which is regulated by up to 60 per cent cap for now. At the same time, many lenders still rely on simple score cards or human judgement for credit decisions which tend to include unnecessary biases. This can cause to generate a gap between lenders’ view and borrowers’ potential in terms of credit risk prediction. From the lenders point of view, it is likely for them to set the interest higher as the borrower’s risk is difficult to predict accurately due to lack of technologies […]
Website renewal!
WKWK website is just renewed. We are glad to inform you that the demo request is available from the website. We are glad to inform that the demo request is available from the website.You can apply now and see how it works. In addition to this function, you will get to know more about our services, features and the team. Check out our new website today. The Crengine demo is designed for Hong Kong model for now. However, our machine learning risk prediction models are currently being developed for five countries including Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Philippines, and we are planning to release simple versions of those models for demo […]
New law to be released!?
Modernizing the old regime is necessary. But this is not enough measurement for the healthy industry growth. The key point is to enable lenders to offer an appropriate loan product for borrowers and in order to do so, it is essential for the lenders to become data-driven for a right credit decision. We build AI based credit risk prediction models for lenders which will help them to visualize potential credit risks and manage loan portfolio with quantitative data analysis. We will be launching such a product designed for lending business in Hong Kong. We aim that the product will contribute to re-build a sustainable business environment for a healthy growth […]
Crengine Hong Kong model data is released
Data sheet for Hong Kong personal loan model is released following the Crengine demo released last month. The data sheet is a simple data template for calculating the AI credit score. We have started to provide it for potential users who have access to TU information. (The model is assumed to acquire TU information. For money lenders who do NOT have an access TU information, we will release another model very soon.) As WKWK takes Hong Kong loan market into consideration and sort out main features for the simple model. You will see about pre-selected 20 features for you to input and once the data is uploaded to the demo, […]
Crengine Demo is available now!
Our Crengine (=The AI credit engine) demo is now available. It’s free demo, so potential users are able to try it and get to understand how the AI credit score works. Currently the demo performs Hong Kong personal loan model and it predicts a default risk by using machine learning algorithm. Firstly, WKWK will provide a data sheet of personal loan borrower. Then, Crengine will calculate a risk prediction and show an AI credit score based on input data. The AI credit score will be changed according to default risks. Again, the current algorithm is designed for personal loan risk prediction model in Hong Kong market. Please contact us if […]