September 2019

Website renewal!

WKWK website is just renewed. We are glad to inform you that the demo request is available from the website. We are glad to inform that the demo request is available from the website.You can apply now and see how it works. In addition to this function, you will get to know more about our services, features and the team. Check out our new website today. The Crengine demo is designed for Hong Kong model for now. However, our machine learning risk prediction models are currently being developed for five countries including Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Philippines, and we are planning to release simple versions of those models for demo […]

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New law to be released!?

Modernizing the old regime is necessary. But this is not enough measurement for the healthy industry growth. The key point is to enable lenders to offer an appropriate loan product for borrowers and in order to do so, it is essential for the lenders to become data-driven for a right credit decision. We build AI based credit risk prediction models for lenders which will help them to visualize potential credit risks and manage loan portfolio with quantitative data analysis. We will be launching such a product designed for lending business in Hong Kong. We aim that the product will contribute to re-build a sustainable business environment for a healthy growth […]

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